Some members of Canadian Association of Chinese Reporters travelled to Capital Parliament Hill on June 22nd for a one-day interview at the invitation of Canadian Senator Victor Oh.
June 22nd is the last day of the Canadian Federal Parliament, in the morning, CACR members visited and listened to the Senate meeting, also met with some Senators under the guidance of Senator Victor Oh.

Then CACR members went to the library dedicated to parliamentarians and senators to understand the library that survived from the fire a hundred years ago and had the honor to personally read the first constitution of Canada, which was founded in 1867. During the visit to the first office of the Governor and the first premier office, they also learned some interesting things, a governor’s staircase, it said that the Governor and his wife had a dedicated staircase, and if they were found to be used by others, put in jail for one day. There was a ling in the middle of the office house of the prime minister, which was used by the door guy, according to legend, to use the doorman as a messenger to send letters, is because the guy do not understand the contents of the letter, makes it more secure.

Senator Victor Oh briefed the CACR members on the main functions and duties of Canadian Senate. Basically any other proposals could be submitted excepts the motion of financial related matters. In the examination of the motion, Senate has the power to veto the motion of the House of Commons submitted. And Senator Victor Oh also introduced the C-6 bill proposed by him and passed that a minor child could apply for a citizen independently. Then, Senator Victor Oh officially accepted the appointment of the Canadian Association of Chinese Reporters (CACR) as the permanent honorary president of the Canadian Association of Chinese Reporters (CACR).

After the trip to the Parliament Hill, some CACR members also met with Yang Yundong and Xu Hongbin, who are Public Relations and Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Canada, having discussion on the news coverage and media development around the overseas Chinese media.