Every week, York Regional Police is disappointed by the number of people who continue to make the inexcusable decision to drive after drinking or using drugs. Those drivers should be warned: We are not giving up.
So far this year, York Regional Police have laid more than 1,700 charges for impaired-related driving offences and the number of drivers choosing to drive while impaired is showing no signs of decreasing.
We continue to be aggressive in our efforts to combat this issue and keep our roads safe. As part of that effort, we have re-released a video to bring attention to impaired driving. The video can be found at https://youtu.be/HjClgNU2Ck8 and shared using the hashtag #ReservationsNotRequired.
The video features real in-car camera footage following the arrests of impaired drivers. It includes lines like “I am the prince of Saudi Arabia”, “Bro, I love you” and “I might have peed on your seat a little bit”.
We also want to bring attention to the very serious consequences a driver will face if they are driving while impaired. Drivers can expect to spend at least one night in jail, have their vehicle towed and their license suspended. We also encourage drivers to think about the impact this would have on their lives or the very real potential consequences of causing a fatal collision and taking the lives of innocent people. If you plan to drink or use drugs this weekend or this New Year’s Eve, make the decision now not to drive and plan a safe method of transportation.
This year’s festive season RIDE began on November 22, 2019, and will continue until January 5, 2020. One of the focuses of our fight against impaired driving is the strong partnership with our community and encouraging our citizens to call 9-1-1 through the Safe Roads…Your Call program to report suspected impaired drivers.
So far this year, more than 3,000 people have called us to report a suspected impaired driver. That has helped us safely remove impaired drivers from our roads. If you see dangerous driving or behaviors on the road that could jeopardize the safety of motorists and pedestrians, you are encouraged to contact police immediately.
The York Regional Police R.I.D.E. program is a year-long initiative that is enhanced during the festive season.York Regional Police urges all drivers to take proactive measures if drinking by arranging for overnight accommodations, appointing a designated driver, using a taxi or ride sharing service or using public transit.
We are not giving up.
For more information, contact York Regional Police Corporate Communications at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 2664.